
Firman Allah Swt“ Janganlah kamu cenderung kepada KEZALIMAN kelak kamu akan disambar oleh api neraka.”
Berdoalah kepada Ku, nescaya akan Ku perkenankan bagimu, sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menyombongkan diri dari menyembah Ku akan masuk neraka jahannam dalam keadaan hina dina! -Surah Al-Mukmin ayat 60
Peringatan Ilahi
(وَمَن يَعۡشُ عَن ذِكۡرِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ نُقَيِّضۡ لَهُ ۥ شَيۡطَـٰنً۬ا فَهُوَ لَهُ ۥ قَرِينٌ۬ (٣٦
Yang maksudnya:
Surah al-Saff ayat 10-12:
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Mahukah Aku tunjukkan sesuatu perniagaan yang boleh menyelamatkan kamu daripada azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya?"
"Iaitu, kamu beriman kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya serta kamu berjuang membela dan menegakkan agama Allah dengan harta benda dan diri kamu; yang demikian itulah yang lebih baik bagi kamu, jika kamu mengetahui."
"(Dengan itu) Allah akan mengampunkan dosa-dosa kamu dan memasukkan kamu ke dalam taman-taman (syurga) yang mengalir di bawahnya beberapa sungai, serta ditempatkan kamu di tempat-tempat tinggal yang sama ada dalam syurga 'Adn. Itulah kemenangan yang besar."
Rasulullah SAW melawat neraka dan dilihat mereka yang diseksa dalam neraka itu, orang yang berzina dan memakan riba’ dan menyebarkan maklumat yang buruk sehingga perbohongan itu tersebar dengan luas, apatah lagi maklumat itu menjadi fitnah.
Dilihat seorang yang disangkut dengan penyangkut besi didagunya menembusi pipi dan mata diseksa didalam neraka, bila ditanya siapa itu, itulah penyebar maklumat bohong diseluruh pelusuk.
Hadis peringatan
Dan barangsiapa yang menunjukkan jalan yang buruk,maka dia berdosa kerana melakukan kerja itu dan menerima tanggungjawab dosa yang sama dengan orang yang mengikutnya sehingga hari kiamat.
Beriman orang yang bertaqwa
وَالَّذِينَ يَرْمُونَ الْمُحْصَنَاتِ ثُمَّ لَمْ يَأْتُوا بِأَرْبَعَةِ شُهَدَاء فَاجْلِدُوهُمْ ثَمَانِينَ جَلْدَةً وَلَا تَقْبَلُوا لَهُمْ شَهَادَةً أَبَدًا وَأُوْلَئِكَ هُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ
dan orang-orang yang menuduh wanita-wanita yang baik-baik (berbuat zina) dan mereka tidak mendatangkan empat orang saksi, maka sebat (deralah) mereka (yang menuduh itu) delapan puluh kali dera, dan janganlah kamu terima kesaksian mereka buat selama-lamanya. Dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang fasik
Surah An-Nur : Ayat 4
Sungguhpun ayat ini menyebut mengenai tuduhan terhadap perempuan, namun hukumnya sama terhadap tuduhan ke atas kaum lelaki dan ianya menjadi sepakat para ulama' sebagaimana yang disebut di dalam Jame' Li ahkaamil Quran oleh al Qurtubi.
Tuduhan yang tidak menepati syara' dan pula perlakuan menyebarkan serta mempertontonkan video lucah kepada umum adalah suatu yang jelas bersalahan dengan agama dan mereka berdepan dengan hukum Qazaf serta undang - undang kerana memiliki dan menyebarkan video lucah.Doa
Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia memutuskan bahawa pelancong bukan Islam diharuskan memasuki masjid dan ruang solat dengan syarat mendapat keizinan pihak pengurusan masjid dan perlakuan serta tingkah laku mereka tidak mencemarkan kesucian masjid dan sentiasa terkawal dan beradab.
Peringatan AL HUJURAT: - AYAT 6
Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jika datang kepada kamu orang fasik membawa sesuatu berita, maka periksalah dengan teliti, agar kamu tidak menimpakan suatu musibah kepada sesuatu kaum tanpa mengetahui keadaannya yang menyebabkan kamu menyesal atas perbuatanmu itu.Ustaz Azizan Razak
Ahad, 27 Mac 2011
Rahim disoal siasat selama lima jam sejak 5 petang tadi.
Rahim disoal siasat lima jam, video seks diserah Bukit Aman
KUALA LUMPUR, 24 Mac – Tan Sri Rahim Thamby Chik, salah seorang “Datuk T” yang mempertontonkan rakaman video seks didakwa melibatkan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mengadakan hubungan seks dengan seorang wanita, telah diserahkan kepada polis hari ini.
Rakaman video itu diserahkan selepas Abdul Rahim memberikan kenyataan di Bukit Aman.
Bekas ketua menteri Melaka itu (gambar) berkata, beliau menyerahkan salinan asal video seks agar mereka dapat menentukan ketulenannya.
“(Video) itu boleh diperiksa oleh pakar forensik untuk melihat sama ada ia direka atau sebaliknya,” kata beliau kepada pemberita di sini hari ini.
“Kita boleh panggil pakar-pakar, malah dari FBI (Biro Siasatan Persekutuan) di Amerika, untuk menentukan ketulenan video,” kata beliau ketua Pemuda Umno ini.
Rahim berkata beliau berharap polis boleh mempercepatkan siasatan memandangkan ia penting bagi rakyat Malaysia mengetahui “aktor” dalam video itu.
Katanya, beliau juga menyerahkan jam tangan Omega, yang didakwa milik Anwar, bagi membuktikan identiti lelaki yang sebenar.
“Meskipun (Anwar) tidak mengaku (memiliki jam tangan), pakar forensik boleh menentukan sama ada jam tangan sebagai bahan bukti penting,” katanya.
Rahim disoal siasat selama lima jam sejak 5 petang tadi.
Alleged sex video handed to Bukit Aman
KUALA LUMPUR, March 24 — Tan Sri Rahim Thamby Chik, one of the three men behind the video allegedly showing opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim having sex with a prostitute today handed over the recording to the police after giving his statement.
The former Malacca chief minister said he gave the police the original copy of the recording so they could determine its authenticity.
“(The video) can be examined forensically to see if it’s a fake or has been doctored,” he told reporters outside Bukit Aman here.
“We can call on experts, even from the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) in America, to determine the video’s authenticity.”
Rahim said he hoped the police could speed up investigations as it was important for the Malaysian people to know the identity of the “actor” in the video.
He added that he had also handed over the Omega watch allegedly belonging to Anwar as further proof of the identity of the man in the sex video.
“Although [Anwar] did not confess (to owning the watch), forensics experts will certainly see the watch as an important piece of evidence,” he said.
Rahim had been questioned at the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) headquarters for nearly five hours from 5.00pm to 9.45pm.
Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah, who also claimed responsibility for the sex video, gave his statement at around the same time but did not meet with reporters afterwards.
Perkasa treasurer-general Datuk Shuib Lazim, the third person involved in the sex video, is expected to give his statement tomorrow morning when he returns from a trip.
Rahim, Shazryl Eskay and Shuib — known collectively as “Datuk T” — had screened the video to senior editors and journalists on Monday in a bid to force Anwar to quit politics.
Rahim told reporters at a joint press conference with Shazryl Eskay yesterday that they had wanted to show that “a person who wants to be national leader and PM... was not qualified.”
The former Umno vice president had also urged Putrajaya to set up a royal commission to investigate the authenticity of the video.
He said the royal commission’s members should comprise opposition lawmakers, and named Anwar’s wife and PKR president, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, as foremost on the list.
The black-and-white video, allegedly taken on February 21 at a hotel room in Kuala Lumpur, was shown in several parts.
It begins with a footage of the man alleged to be Anwar, a woman with East Asian features and another unidentified man in the room.
The second part, recorded from four slightly different angles, shows the man receiving oral sex from the woman and then having sexual intercourse with her in several positions.
PR has accused the trio of being Barisan Nasional (BN) hatchet men, with Anwar claiming that Najib was directly involved in the screening of the sex video.
BN, however, has denied any involvement in the video or its screening.
Perkasa Youth chief Arman Azha Abu Hanifah also claimed that Shuib was acting in his personal capacity and not as a member of the Malay rights group.
But Arman Azha was quick to defend Shuib for his involvement, reasoning that the “pornstar” in the video was more sinful than the people who exposed the act.
Kes TBH- Kenyataan Peguam SPRM
Risda di bawah Rahim Tambychik - Rampas Tanah
sekarang rahim tamby chik terlibat pula dengan vedio lucah memfitnah.
Yusof nor dengan felda
Rahim tamby chik dengan risda
semuanya menipu dan menyusahkan rakyat.
Celaka Utusan Mealaysia
post info
KEADILAN mengecam laporan muka depan Utusan Malaysia bertarikh 26 Mac 2011 bertajuk “Di Manakah Anwar Ibrahim” yang jelas satu fitnah dan tidak berpandukan etika kewartawanan yang baik.
Laporan itu berniat jahat dan hanya bertujuan untuk menyambung fitnah dan serangan ke atas Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan Pakatan Rakyat. Ia tidak berasas dan hanya memetik satu penulisan blog seorang pimpinan bawahan Pemuda UMNO yang diketahui umum sering menimbulkan fitnah terhadap Pakatan Rakyat.
Tembelang Utusan Malaysia yang melambangkan rendahnya kawalan mutu kewartawanan terdedah apabila ia menyiarkan dakwaan blog tersebut bahawa Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak membuat sebarang pesanan twit ke akaun Twitternya kononnya pada masa rakaman itu berlaku.
Saya sertakan di sini bukti-bukti dari petikan skrin akaun Facebook Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang menunjukkan beliau menghantar pesanan ke akaun Twitter dan disambut oleh pengikutnya seperti berikut:
1. 21 Februari 2011, 1040 malam: “Inshaallah”
2. 21 Februari 2011, 1049 malam: “That’s ds Najib’s plan. Our task: pursue reform agenda”
3. 21 Februari 2011, 1050 malam: “Varsity students: Conscience of the majority”
4. 21 Februari 2011, 1052 malam: “Modus operandi of rogue leaders”
5. 21 Februari 2011, 1058 malam: “Bisa”
6. 21 Februari 2011, 1103 malam: “Waras”
7. 21 Februari 2011, 1103 malam: “Ada ruang bias ja”
8. 21 Februari 2011, 1105 malam: “Ngak. Tapi ada sampaikan kuliah diUGM”
9. 21 Februari 2011, 1108 malam: “RT @gst183 Revolution is the festival of d oppressed”
Masa yang dicatatkan di Facebook adalah dua minit lebih lambat dari masa pesanan sebenar di akaun Twitter kerana menggunakan khidmat Selective Tweets. Oleh yang demikian, Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim menghantar 9 pesanan ke akaun Twitternya diantara jam 1038 malam hingga 1106 malam seperti petikan skrin yang dilampirkan disini.
Pada masa ini jugalah iaitu diantara 1020 malam hingga 1041 malam kononnya seorang yang mirip dengan wajah beliau dirakam sedang melakukan hubungan seks di sebuah bilik. Semua laporan setakat ini oleh mereka yang telah menontot rakaman tersebut tidak menyebut mengenai si pelaku sedang melakukan seks sambil memegang telefon untuk menghantar pesanan ke akaun Twitter.
Pesanan-pesanan yang dihantar dan dilampirkan disini juga jelas adalah pesanan yang dibuat oleh Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim kerana lenggok bahasa dan interaksinya dengan pengikut-pengikutnya yang diketahui umum.
Oleh yang demikian, mustahil si pelaku yang dirakam di dalam video adalah Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Saya juga ingin mengemukakan bukti yang mematahkan fitnah yang disiarkan oleh blog-blog yang dibiayai UMNO termasuk yang dipetik oleh Utusan Malaysia. Mereka mendakwa bahawa ada perbezaan masa di antara laman Facebook dan laman Twitter iaitu pesanan yang dirakam di laman Facebook adalah sejam lebih lambat dari masa di laman Twitter. Ini adalah pembohongan besar yang direka-reka semata-mata kerana sudah jelas bahawa Dato’ Seri Anwar berada di rumah dan berinteraksi melalui Twitter pada masa yang didakwa.
Saya sertakan dua petikan skrin yang diambil dari laman Twitter dan Facebook Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang menunjukkan bahawa pesanan yang dibuat melalui laman Twitter akan dihantar ke laman Facebook 2 minit kemudian.
Maka, pesanan yang dibuat pada jam 12.22 tengahari 26 Mac 2011 [File timestamptwitter.gif] di laman Twitter (mengenai rakaman penuh pidato Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim di Taman Melawati) dicatat waktunya sebagai 12.24 tengahari 26 Mac 2011 di laman Facebook [File timestampfb.gif].
Penjelasan-penjelasan ini sudah cukup untuk membuktikan kepada rakyat Malaysia betapa hinanya Utusan Malaysia yang tanpa segan silu menyiarkan fitnah tanpa usul periksa, asal dapat menyebarkan dakyah tuan punyanya iaitu UMNO.
Dengan pendedahan ini, KEADILAN mendesak Utusan Malaysia memohon maaf dan sekiranya enggan berbuat demikian, KEADILAN akan mempertimbangkan tindakan lanjut untuk diambil terhadap Utusan Malaysia dan penulis blog UMNO tersebut.
26 MAC 2011
Sabtu, 26 Mac 2011
Anwar function turns ugly as crowd attacks cops

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
GOMBAK, March 26 — A scheduled Pakatan Rakyat (PR) function here turned ugly last night when policemen attempted to stop Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim from speaking, resulting in an angry mob attacking the police.
Anwar, who was the last speaker for the night, had spoken for about 13 minutes before the police intervened, as the PKR de facto leader was only given 15 minutes to speak.
The presence of a fully-armed 10-man Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) team did not sit with the crowd well, who mostly consisted of PR supporters. The crowd began throwing chairs and water bottles towards the police when they (the police) tried to stop Anwar from speaking.
Anwar himself had attempted to appeal to the crowd to calm down, but his voice was drowned by the sound of the 800-odd attendees.
PKR Youth Chief Shamsul Iskandar Md Akin confirmed that the police arrested a few PKR members.
“There were arrests, the AMK members are now at the Taman Melawati police station,” Shamsul told reporters.
“The way that they reacted, in trying to arrest him tonight, it’s uncalled for.
“People’s patience has certain limits, reached its patience,” said the PKR leader.
Anwar eventually left the function and was not arrested.
The Permatang Pauh MP wasted no time in mounting an offensive on the current sex video scandal, and accused Umno as well as the Najib administration of orchestrating a conspiracy to end his political career.
Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik has admitted that businessman Datuk Shazryl Eskay, Perkasa’s Datuk Shuib Lazim and himself were collectively the mysterious “Datuk T” behind Monday’s screening of a sex video purportedly featuring Anwar with an unidentified woman.
The former Malacca chief minister also admitted that both he and Shazryl were behind the video.
He told reporters at a joint press conference together with Shazryl that the trio had chosen to step forward on their own accord because they wanted to show that “a person with high ambitions of wanting to be national leader and prime minister of Malaysia ... was not qualified.”
Abdul Rahim and Shazryl both denied the video was doctored.
“This Rahim is a criminal, a rapist but he is made a leader...they record pornography and they are free to walk.
“I was arrested and treated like a dog but you let them go free after recording statement,” said Anwar, in reference to his overnight arrest on July 16, 2008.
He told the audience here that they needed to reject Umno to teach them a “lesson.”
“They think we are stupid, teach Umno and BN leaders a lesson...tell them they are the idiots and fools,” said Anwar.
Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat lawmakers have since disputed the authenticity of the video clip, claiming it was a part of a conspiracy by Umno to topple the opposition leader ahead of the coming Sarawak polls.
Hari ini dihadapan kedai Gambar Salon
Pada 24.3.11 dekat situ ada khemah MB Mahkamah berucap. Boleh tengok gambar sebelum ini.
Dan ianya telah pecah dan terbalik. Majlis daerah kena keluar peruntukan untuk baikinya pula.
Siapa yang menterbalikkan itu? Barangkali kenderaan yang hendak membuka khemah disitu.
Siapa yang kena baiki??????
Kalau dibuat di padang bola kan baik?
Tapi jenis nak menyusahkan orang punya pasal.
Cerita dari Yahoo
Giving Back to Japan: How Gamers Are Doing Their Part

A woman mourns the devastation of Natori, Miyagi Prefecture, in northern Japan on March 13. Source: Asahi Shimbun, Reuters
Recent times have been trying for Japan, after the country suffered its worst earthquake in 100 hundred years, shocking the region at a frightening 9.0 Richter scale. While Japan and world powers are actively doing their part to restore the Nation’s confidence and stability, other communities in the world have been quietly contributing to this humanitarian cause as well.
One of these, the Gaming community, has turned into a real fraternity with its active efforts in gathering donations for injured Japan. Japan popularized household names like Mario, Sonic, Pac-man and many other memorable characters that gamers all over the world have come to associate their childhoods with.
Since the unfortunate disaster, Zynga - best known for their massively popular games CityVille and Zynga Poker – has used its leading market position in social gaming to source for donations that would go directly to alleviating this tragedy. Zynga asked users to donate money through the purchase of virtual goods in FarmVille, CityVille, FrontierVille and its other games, from which all proceeds would be donated to Save the Children’s Japan relief efforts.
In a record 36 hours, Zynga managed to raise USD $1 million through their sales. Zynga has raised millions of dollars in recent years through similar campaigns, most notably for the relief efforts in Haiti.

Bungie Games is also taking big steps to contribute to Japan’s relief. The makers of Halo 3 are putting together a campaign on their company’s website to drive donations through the sale of wrist bands. These wrist bands have the words “Ganbare Nippon” on them, spreading the spirit of unity, spiritual strength and endurance. The campaign will continue until 30th Apr, 2011. Read more about this here.
Another big name in Gaming, Sony has been participating in its own way by making a donation platform available on their gaming network, the PSN. Donations come in $2, $5, $10, $25 and $50. PlayStation gamers can access this platform by logging onto the network and going under the “Aid Japan” option, found under the New Releases tab. All donations collected will go directly to the American Red Cross Society for Japan’s disaster relief.
In difficult times like these, it is certainly heartwarming to learn that the gaming world isn’t merely about fun and recreation, but more of a wired community that cares for one another, regardless of geography or culture. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Japanese people and we hope they pull through these crises well.
Berita TV 1 Hantaran derma mangsa tsunami 1
Penerima di jepun ialah kedutaan malaysia di sana.
Besar sekali pembohongan RTM ni.
Jumaat, 25 Mac 2011
Berdoa Kepada Allah Dengan penuh syahdu.
Ismail Hashim |
Khutbah Jumaat di Masjid Jame' Lenggong
Ada beberapa kesalahan dalam membaca teks khutbah itu.
Antaranya ayat yang dibaca salah.
Ada isi khutbah menyimpang dari apa yang di amalkan sekarang.
Kenapa pihak Polis beriya-iya sangat untuk menunjukkan alim mereka?
Sedangkan imam-imam masjid yang bertaraf masjid Daerah itu telah disediakan dengan imam yang hafaz qur an?
Kenapa beriya-iya sangat untuk menunjukkan alim sedangkan dari segi perlaksanaan tugas menampakkan terlalu banyak double standard. Dalam memfitnah kepada pembangkang termasuk ketua pembangkang banyak yang dilakukan oleh polis diperingkat atasan?
Sepatutnya yang nak berkhutbah itu biarlah ketua polis daerah. dengan memakai uniform yang lengkap dan berkhutbah tanpa teks ditangan. Barulah orang akan memberi sedikit aprisiasi.
Dengan membaca tek dan ayat yang salah sebutan menyebabkan jemaah menaruh satu sangkaan yang tak elok kepada usaha tersebut.
Penduduk mempunyai mata telinga dan pemikiran.
Khamis, 24 Mac 2011
Ceramah YDP PAS Lenggong semalam
Hj Razman juga menayangkan perlakuan ancak oleh dr zambry sambil mendengar apa yang dikatakannya.
Walaupun mufti pada awalnya kata perbuatan itu haram, selepas dengar kata zambry, mufti kata lain. Hadirin yang mendengar ceramah itu dapat memikirkan sendiri. Pada malam semalam juga zambry mengadakan sambutan maulidurrasul.
Suatu masa mengangkat ancak (pensyrikan) disatu masa pula mengadakan maulidurrasul. Abu lahab itu bapa saudara Nabi dan dia antara yang amat gembira dengan kelahiran Muhammad. Bila saja Nabi memulakan dakwah dia diantara pemuka yang utama yang menghina dan mencerca Nabi. Abulahab merupakan simbul pensyrikan kepada Allah. Ayat qur an khusus atasnya.
Rabu, 23 Mac 2011
Mahathir kata Polis berkuasa
Kenapa Dato T didak ditangkap?
Siapa dato T,
Weh semua orang yang blogger dah tahu nama satu persatu. Akhbar maya dah laporkan tetapi mana dia tangkapan?
Mana dia vedio tu. Dato T kata taknak bagi ke Polis bagus juga nanti kalau bagi kat polis Polis ubah pula. Bagi kat peguam negara nanti dimusnahkan macam video pula. Bagi kat sprm Takut jadi macam TBH pula.
Kena bagi kat mahkamah syariah.
Kes kazab pun mahkamah syariah tolak inikan vedio.
semua dari puak tu belaka.
mereka munafik dan celakalah mereka.
Celakalah Zulkifli Nordin
GEMPAR dengan video Seks di Seri Carcosa. Tayangan Perdana secara percuma dan dijemput para wartawan untuk menyaksikannya. Bertepatan dengan pembubaran Dun Sarawak, tiba-tiba muncul video seks ini seperti mana kisah seorang pemuda yang tidak mencuci duburnya beberapa hari yang bersumpah laknat di dalam masjid menjelang Penamaan Calon PRK Parlimen Permatang Pauh dahulu.
Sumpah laknat pemuda yang kini bergelar`haji' yang pernah seluar dalamnya didapati berada di rumah seorang wanita itu mungkin kebetulan dengan Penamaan Calon PRK Parlimen Permatang Pauh, dan video seks yang didedahkan oleh Mr `T' itu pun mungkin kebetulan juga dengan pembubaran Dun Sarawak. Di zaman Najib memang banyak yang terjadi secara `kebetulan', bahkan peruntukan serta projek-projek banyak dicurahkan kebetulan dengan Pilihanraya Kecil.
Seorang lelaki dari Kulim yang digelar `firaun besar' dan saya namakan di sini sebagai Mr `Z' telah mengeluarkan kenyataan di TV 3 Suku dan akhbar pencacai Utusan Meloya berkaitan video seks seperti yang didedahkan oleh Mr `T'. Mr Z menyebut beliau percaya melebihi 100 peratus bahawa memang pemimpin pembangkang ternama itu terlibat dengan skandal di dalam video berkenaan.
Tidak pula beliau nyatakan samada beliau sudah menonton atau tidak video tersebut. Itu tidak penting, kerana kita tahu Mr Z ini kalau dia bermimpi bahawa tokoh pembangkang yang amat dibencinya itu melakukan `projek' dengan bini dia sekali pun, Mr Z pasti percaya bahawa mimpinya itu benar-benar berlaku. Kerana apa? Sebab Mr Z terlalu busuk hatinya dan dendamnya terhadap tokoh pembangkang tersebut.
Sebelum ini ramai yang menghormati Mr Z bukan kerana kewarakan atau alimnya dia di dalam ugama, tetapi semata-mata kerana dia adalah salah seorang pejuang yang bersama-sama rakyat untuk menjatuhkan rejim sekutu Apco. Itu dulu, kini Mr Z dari Kulim ini telah pun berselimut dengan sekutu Apco setelah diterajang keluar dari PKR.
Kelebihan Mr Z ini adalah berbohong. Beliau sendiri pernah mengaku bahawa sepanjang beliau berada di dalam PKR beliau selalu berbohong kununnya atas arahan bosnya dulu. Ertinya, sepanjang beliau berada di dalam PKR, beliau menjadi lembu dicucuk hidung. Sekarang pun, beliau masih lembu cuma tuannya berbeza, kali ini tuannya lebih kaya raya, maklumlah sekutu Apco. Perut Mr Z sentiasa berisi sekarang setelah bersama puak sekutu Apco itu.
Perangai suka berbohong memang tidak boleh diubah oleh Mr Z, mungkin dia dilahirkan memang untuk menjadi `lembu yang suka berbohong'. Sebagai contoh, dia pernah menulis menghentam ahli DAP kununnya menentang Azan di sebuah masjid. Sebenarnya yang berlaku bukan ahli DAP tetapi kes tersebut melibatkan ahli MCA.
Itu satu contoh betapa Mr Z ini akan menulis atau bercakap tanpa menyiasat terlebih dahulu dan tidak menggunakan otaknya. Benarlah kata orang, otak lembu memang tidak boleh berfikir. Begitulah juga dengan kes video seks yang terbaru ini. Samada beliau sudah menonton atau tidak, Mr Z terus menuduh musuh ketatnya itu terlibat. Beliau terpaksa tonjolkan sifat lembu kepada tuannya.
Percayalah, orang Kulim Bandar Baru tidak mahu `lembu bodoh' lagi. Tunggulah saat dan waktunya lembu bodoh ini dikorbankan walaupun nanti tiada siapa yang mahu memakan dagingnya kerana lembu ini busuk berbau bangkai luar dan dalam.
Semoga Allah melaknat kepadanya dari dunia hingga akhirat.
Semoga Allah melaknat kepadanya dari dunia hingga akhirat.
Semoga Allah melaknat kepadanya dari dunia hingga akhirat.
Semoga Allah melaknat kepadanya dari dunia hingga akhirat.
Semoga Allah melaknat kepadanya dari dunia hingga akhirat.
Celakalah si celaka
Ceramah Maulidurrasul - Dicemari oleh Pengampu Zambry
Kaedah Fekah

Redha maksiat- maksiatun
Redha kufrur - Kufrun
Redha ancak - ?
Dr Zambry yang memegang ancak (kurafat) datang kelenggong.
Perumpaan yang mudah seperti kedatangan Dajjal yang membawa umpanan syurga. Dikala itu terlalu ramai yang teruja dan mengikut sidajjal tersebut. Hanya yang beriman dengan tulin sahaja yang akan mendapat pemeliharaan Allah.
Hari ini sesiapa yang redha dengan si Zambry yang mengancakkan ancak bermakna memberi redha kepada khurafat dan pensyirikan kepada Allah Rabbul tauhid.
Bersedialah dengan jawapan yang telah sedia ada.
UMNO Lenggong- terdesak dan menggasak
Dua hari iaitu harini dan esok MB Dr Zambry berkampong di lenggong. Pagini di Luat. Di Pekan Lenggong laluan dalam pekan lenggong telah diubah. Di depan dewan telah didirikan khemah. kanan bangunan mara juga ada khemah dan pentas. Sebelah kiri dan kanan dewan juga ada khhemah. keadaan sebenarnya menggasak rakyat supaya menjadi payah.
Padang bola luas mereka tak mahu guna. sebaliknya mereka guna juga kawasan yang sempit. Para pengguna ada yang mengeluh dan menyumpah seranah kepada puak yang menyusahkan rakyat.
Mereka buat demikian kerana nak menunjukkan kepada atasan mereka yang kononnya mereka mendapat sokongan. Sebenarnya mereka menipu. Orang ramai yang datang kerana atas urusan peribadi di pekan lenggong, mereka membuat serkap di jalanan orang yang adda urusan sendiri. Sebab itu mereka buat di pekan, kalau buat dipadang orang tak ramai.
mereka hendak membodohkan rakyat dan menggasak rakyat supaya jadi parah.
Selasa, 22 Mac 2011
Pakatan nafi lelaki dalam video seks Anwar
KUALA LUMPUR, 21 Mac — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) menafikan lelaki yang didakwa dalam rakaman video, melanggan seorang pelacur di sebuah hotel di ibu negara akhir bulan lalu sebagai Ketua Umumnya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
“Ini (rakaman) video Anwar yang direka,” kata pengarah komunikasi PKR Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad.
“Ia bukan Datuk Seri Anwar. Ini satu lagi usaha Barisan Nasional (BN) untuk memberi persepsi umum bahawa beliau seorang yang tidak bermoral, yang tidak layak untuk menerajui negara ini,” kata anggota biro politik PAS Khalid Samad kepada The Malaysian Insider.
Naib presiden PKR Chua Tian Chang juga mendakwa BN semakin terdesak, “beralih daripada isu-isu besar seperti pilihan raya dan dasar kepada serangan peribadi.”
Pagi tadi, seorang lelaki yang menamakan dirinya “Datuk T” mempertontonkan rakaman video menunjukkan seorang pemimpin kanan PR sedang mengadakan hubungan seks dengan seorang wanita, dipercayai pelacur asing dari China.
Video 21 minit itu, dalam empat segmen, menggambarkan pemimpin tersebut yang juga seorang Ahli Parlimen mengadakan hubungan seks di sebuah hotel di sini, dilihat akan menggegarkan arena politik negara sekali lagi.
Ia yang dirakamkan pada 21 Februari lalu dipertunjukkan kepada media di sebuah hotel di sini pagi ini.
Menurut Datuk T, beliau mahu media menonton rakaman tersebut sebelum dia menghantarkannya kepada pemimpin berkenaan dan isterinya.
Malah katanya, jika pemimpin politik itu mengenal pasti dia adalah tuan punya diri dalam rakaman tersebut, maka dia dan isterinya harus meletakkan jawatan.
Datuk T mendakwa lelaki dalam rakaman video itu bukan seorang yang bermoral tinggi dan oleh itu, tidak layak bertindak sebagai pemimpin.
Dalam satu kenyataan yang turut diedarkan kepada media, yang tertera nama pemimpin tersebut, dikatakan bahawa ahli politik tersebut pergi ke hotel yang menawarkan khidmat seks dan kemudahan SPA.
Selepas pemimpin itu meninggalkan hotel, dia sedari bahawa dia tertinggal jam tangan jenama Omega di bilik dia memperoleh khidmat seks.
“Saya diminta mendapatkan jam tangan di bilik tersebut. Oleh kerana saya tidak nampak jam tangan pada meja, saya memeriksanya di belakang tempat persolekan. Saya terkejut melihat banyak wayar di belakangnya,” kata kenyataan itu.
Kata kenyataan itu, wayar berkenaan disambungkan ke CCTV yang kemudiannya didapati merakamkan hubungan seks pemimpin itu dengan pelacur tersebut.
Bekas perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, dalam memoirnya yang dipasarkan awal bulan ini mendakwa bekas timbalannya itu pernah dibekalkan dengan empat wanita untuk khidmat seks pada 1990-an.
Anwar, yang kini berhadapan dengan kes liwat keduanya, telah menafikan tulisan Dr Mahathir itu.
Akhir 2007, Presiden MCA Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek memutuskan untuk meletakkan jawatan selepas didapati muncul dalam rakaman video seks.
Pada 1989, bekas setiausaha agung MIC D. P. Vijandran telah dipaksa meletakkan jawatan timbalan speaker Dewan Rakyat berikutan kontroversi video seks.
In latest scandal, Wan Azizah stands by her man

By Shannon Teoh
PETALING JAYA, March 21 — Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail backed Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today amid the emergence of a sex video allegedly involving her husband, calling it “just another one” in a series of “dirty tactics” used to bring down the opposition leader.
“I have gone through it all, this is just another one,” the PKR president said, referring to past accusations of sexual misconduct against the former deputy prime minister.
Anwar has been repeatedly accused of having affairs culminating in two criminal charges of sodomy in the past 13 years, one of which he is still on trial for.
“They say Anwar was involved with a man. Why is the video now with a woman?” she said at a press conference at the party headquarters today.
Anwar, who was seated next to her, had earlier denied he was the man filmed having sex with a woman in a hotel room on February 21.
He called the emergence of the video recording today a “scurrilous attack” against him, his family and Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
He added that he was at home with Dr Wan Azizah, their children, grandchildren and members of his staff, on the night in question.
Anwar was speaking at the press conference called after a video recording emerged today showing a man resembling a senior Malay opposition leader having sex with a woman believed to be a prostitute from China emerged today.
“I was told the face in the video looked like me. However, the stomach of the man was much bigger than mine,” he said while showing reporters his abdomen.
The 21-minute-long recording was shown to members of the media this morning by a man who only identified himself as “Datuk T”.
“Datuk T” said that the February 21 video was from closed-circuit television camera recordings found in a hotel room in Kuala Lumpur.
This evening, Dr Wan Azizah said the call for her to resign along with Anwar showed “irresponsible motives” behind the video, which PR claims was doctored.
“Why ask me to resign? What did I do?” she said.
In his recently released memoirs, former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had alleged that his then deputy had propositioned four girls for sex in the 1990s.
Anwar, who is currently fighting a sodomy charge in court, had immediately denied the claims, calling the long-serving former PM a “blatant liar with selective amnesia.”
Most recently, current MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek was forced to resign as health minister after admitting to being caught in a sex tape that surfaced at the end of 2007.
In 1989, former MIC secretary-general D.P. Vijandran was forced to resign as Dewan Rakyat deputy speaker after a sex video controversy.
Salahiddin Ayyob Di Lenggong esok
Pada minggu ini juga mb ancak yang merampas kerajaan PR perak akan berkampong di lenggong.
satu kaedah fekah yang mudah,
Redho maksiat maksiatun.
Redho kufru kufrun.
Redho ancak?
melaksanakan khurafat.
Umat islam yang yakin seharusnya mengelak dengan golongan ancak.
Ahad, 20 Mac 2011
PR di Lenggong - BN Terancam
Sedangkan yang mengancakkan ancak adalah dr zambry sendiri.
Khamis, 17 Mac 2011
Selasa, 15 Mac 2011
Itulah Harussani -Fatwa Ancak tak berani keluar
Harakahdaily |
IPOH, 15 Mac: Dewan Pemuda PAS Negeri Perak menghantar surat kepada Mufti negeri, Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria hari ini memohon diwartakan fatwa perbuatan menteri besar, Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir menghadiri dan melakukan upacara meletakkan ancak ke tiang seri rumah program Projek Infra Bina Upaya (Ibu) di Kampung Guar, Manong pada 16 Oktober 2010 lalu.
“Kami merasa agak kesal kerana permohonan kami telah dipolitikkan dan telah meragukan kerana persoalan yang telah dikemukakan adalah perkara besar yang jauh lebih penting berbanding politik semata-mata. “Dan ianya membabitkan seorang pemimpin besar dan akidah seorang Muslim ujarnya dalam surat berkenaan,” ujarnya dalam surat berkenaan. Beliau menambah, pihaknya tidak akan memberikan jaminan bahawa perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan akidah umat Islam akan terus menjadi penyakit yang ‘dibenarkan’ oleh Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Perak. Ini, ujarnya kerana dengan tanggapan Pemuda PAS negeri bahawa Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Perak sengaja membiarkan perkara itu terus berlaku. “Akhirnya, sekali lagi kami merayu agar keikhlasan dan kekuatan Y.Bhg. Tan Sri bersama Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Perak untuk menegakkan kebenaran dan keadilan di dalam perkara ini,” ujarnya. Tegasnya, perkara asas bagi seorang muslim yang sejati ialah akidah yang benar dan tidak dipesongkan. |
Harapan Rakyat yang berpendapatan rendah.
| |||
Baca lekup jantan
Isnin, 14 Mac 2011
BH Tak tahu erti etika. Dengan PR boleh mereka menghina.
Berita Harian apologises for ‘tasteless’ tsunami cartoon
By Yow Hong Chieh
KUALA LUMPUR, March 13 — Berita Harian was forced to apologise today for publishing a cartoon poking fun at the recent tsunami in Japan after Malaysians rounded on the paper for its “tasteless” move.
In a note posted on its Facebook fan page at about 2pm, the Malay daily apologised for publishing a caricature depicting popular Japanese superhero Ultraman frantically trying to outrun an incoming tsunami.
“We never meant to make fun of the disaster which has struck the country, and we deeply sympathise and share in sadness with the people of Japan,” it read.
Berita Harian group editor Mior Kamarul Shahid also expressed regret for the oversight and personally apologised on his Twitter account.
Malaysians were quick to take to micro-blogging site Twitter and Facebook to express their disgust over the cartoon published earlier today, with some calling for a boycott of the paper.
Prominent politicians slammed Berita Harian, with Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin urging the paper to apologise for the “completely insensitive” cartoon on his Twitter account.
“It is highly unfortunate that the tsunami cartoon was published right below [Berita Harian’s] group editor’s column itself,” he wrote.
Others also started an online petition demanding that the Umno-controlled newspaper apologise for its bad taste.
News of the cartoon and Berita Harian’s subsequent apology was also picked up by CNN's iReport, the international news network's weekly citizen journalism programme, after a Malaysian submitted a piece on it.
Friday’s massive tsunami was the result of an 8.9-magnitude earthquake off the coast of Miyagi prefecture.
The tsunami has so far claimed 1,300 lives but Japanese officials are expecting the death toll to rise to at least 10,000 despite ongoing rescue efforts.
Hundred of thousands have also been made homeless.
Authorities are now concerned about radiation leaking from two nuclear reactors in Fukushima, which are said to be close to meltdown.
With thousands missing, survivors seek loved ones in Japan

KUJI, Japan (Reuters) - Survivors searched for loved ones on Monday in emergency centres across the northeast coast of Japan, with thousands of people still missing after an earthquake and tsunami that probably killed more than 10,000.
"I am looking for my parents and my older brother," a weeping Yuko Abe, 54, said at an emergency centre in Rikuzentakata, a nearly flattened town of 24,500 people in far-northern Iwate prefecture.
"Seeing the way the area is, I think perhaps they did not make it. I also cannot tell my siblings who live away that I am safe, as mobile phones and telephones are not working."
Kyodo news agency said 80,000 people had been evacuated from a 20-km (12-mile) radius around a stricken nuclear plant in Fukushima, joining more than 450,000 other evacuees from quake and tsunami-hit areas in the main island Honshu.
Many spent another freezing night huddled in blankets around heaters in shelters along the coast, a scene of devastation after the quake sent a 10-metre (33-foot) wave surging through towns and cities in the Miyagi region, including its main coastal city of Sendai.
About 2,000 bodies were found on the shores of Miyagi prefecture, Kyodo reported as the nation struggled with the worst disaster since World War Two.
Almost 2 million households were without power in the freezing north, the government said. There were about 1.4 million without running water.
Emiko Ohta, 52, wearing a mask and plastic gloves, rummaged through the remnants of her home in the port town of Kuji. The house had been reduced to a pile of dirt-covered rubble.
"I came to see if there's anything salvageable. All my kimonos are destroyed, but there are may be some items of sentimental value here. I did find a bit of jewellery. Just a little."
She said survivors had not received much help from authorities so far.
"Nothing's cordoned off, people just come in and out and there's no instruction about what we should do next or anything. They're just leaving it up to us to just clean up on our own. Maybe they just can't get to us."
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said food, water and other necessities such as blankets were being delivered by vehicles but because of damage to roads, authorities were considering air and sea transport.
Fewer subway trains ran in Tokyo because of a planned power outage on Monday, with commuters heading to work early in case they couldn't get there later in the day.
Several gas stations were closed in the capital because they had run out of stock.
A few employees at a factory in Kuji that manufactured shipping parts showed up for work on Monday, even though it had been reduced to rubble. One young worker smoking a cigarette outside the skeletal remains of the Kita Nihon Zosen k.k. factory said he came "because it was a work day".
Factory chief Teruo Nakano said everyone who worked there was safe and they were awaiting instructions from superiors. He said he planned to send workers home. Some electricity had returned in the city but there was no water, he said.
Japan grapples with nuclear crisis

FUKUSHIMA, Japan (Reuters) - Japan scrambled to avert a meltdown at a stricken nuclear reactor on Monday after a second hydrogen explosion rocked the facility, just days after a devastating earthquake and tsunami that killed at least 10,000 people.
Roads and rail, power and ports have been crippled across much of Japan's northeast and estimates of the cost of the multiple disasters have leapt to as much as $170 billion. Analysts said the economy could even tip back into recession.
Japanese stocks closed down more than 6 percent, the biggest fall since the height of the global financial crisis in 2008.
Rescue workers combed the tsunami-battered region north of Tokyo for survivors and struggled to care for millions of people without power and water in what Prime Minister Naoto Kan has dubbed his country's worst crisis since World War Two.
Officials say at least 10,000 people were likely killed in the 8.9-magnitude earthquake and tsunami that followed it. Kyodo news agency reported that 2,000 bodies had been found on Monday in two coastal towns alone.
"It's a scene from hell, absolutely nightmarish," said Patrick Fuller of the International Red Cross Federation from the town of Otsuchi.
"The situation here is just beyond belief, almost everything has been flattened. The government is saying that 9,500 people, more than half of the population could have died and I do fear the worst."
Crucially, officials said the thick walls around the radioactive cores of the damaged reactors at the nuclear power plant appeared to be intact after the hydrogen blast, the second there since Saturday.
The big fear is of a major radiation leak from the complex in Fukushima, 240 km (150 miles) north of Tokyo, where engineers have been battling since the weekend to prevent a meltdown in three reactors.
The core container of the No. 3 reactor was intact after the explosion, the government said, but it warned those still in the 20-km (13-mile) evacuation zone to stay indoors. The plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), said 11 people had been injured in the blast.
Kyodo said 80,000 people had been evacuated from the zone, joining more than 450,000 other evacuees from quake and tsunami-hit areas in the northeast.
"Everything I've seen says that the containment structure is operating as it's designed to operate. It's keeping the radiation in and it's holding everything in, which is the good news," said Murray Jennex, of San Diego State University.
"This is nothing like a Chernobyl ... At Chernobyl (in Ukraine in 1986) you had no containment structure -- when it blew, it blew everything straight out into the atmosphere."
Officials said on Sunday that three nuclear reactors in Fukushima were at risk of overheating, raising fears of an uncontrolled radiation leak.
Engineers worked desperately to cool the fuel rods. If they fail, the containers that house the core could melt, or even explode, releasing radioactive material into the atmosphere.
Nuclear experts said it was probably the first time in the industry's 57-year history that sea water has been used in this way, a sign of how close Japan may be to a major accident.
"Injection of sea water into a core is an extreme measure," Mark Hibbs of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. "This is not according to the book."
The nuclear accident, the worst since Chernobyl, sparked criticism that authorities were ill-prepared and the threat that could pose to the country's nuclear power industry.
A Japanese official said before the blast that 22 people were confirmed to have suffered radiation contamination and up to 190 may have been exposed. Workers in protective clothing used hand-held scanners to check people arriving at evacuation centers.
U.S. warships and planes helping with relief efforts moved away from the coast temporarily because of low-level radiation. The U.S. Seventh Fleet described the move as precautionary.
South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore and the Philippines said they would test Japanese food imports for radiation.
Almost 2 million households were without power in the north, the government said. There were about 1.4 million without running water. Tens of thousands of people are missing.
The town of Otsuchi in Iwate prefecture was obliterated.
"After my long career in the Red Cross where I have seen many disasters and catastrophes, this is the worst I have ever seen. Otsuchi reminds me of Osaka and Tokyo after the Second World War when everything was destroyed and flattened," Japan Red Cross President Tadateru Konoe told Reuters during a visit to the coastal town.
Whole villages and towns have been wiped off the map by Friday's wall of water, triggering an international humanitarian effort of epic proportions.
"When the tsunami struck, I was trying to evacuate people. I looked back, and then it was like the computer graphics scene I've seen from the movie Armageddon. I thought it was a dream . it was really like the end of the world," said Tsutomu Sato, 46, in Rikuzantakata, a town on the northeast coast.
Estimates of the economic impact are only now starting to emerge.
Hiromichi Shirakawa, chief economist for Japan at Credit Suisse, said in a note to clients that the economic loss will likely be around 14-15 trillion yen ($171-183 billion) just to the region hit by the quake and tsunami.
Even that would put it above the commonly accepted cost of the 1995 Kobe quake which killed 6,000 people.
The earthquake has forced many firms to suspend production and shares in some of Japan's biggest companies tumbled on Monday, with Toyota Corp dropping almost 8 percent. Shares in Australian-listed uranium miners also dived.
"When we talk about natural disasters, we tend to see an initial sharp drop in production ... then you tend to have a V-shaped rebound. But initially everyone underestimates the damage," said Michala Marcussen, head of global economics at Societe Generale.
Risk modeling company AIR Worldwide said insured losses from the earthquake could reach nearly $35 billion.
Global companies from semiconductor makers to shipbuilders faced disruptions to operations after the quake and tsunami destroyed vital infrastructure, damaged ports and knocked out factories supplying everything from high-tech components to steel.
The Bank of Japan offered a combined 15 trillion yen ($183 billion) to the banking system earlier in the day to soothe market jitters.
Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda said authorities were closely watching the yen after the currency initially rallied on expectations of repatriations by insurers and others. The currency later reversed course in volatile trading.
The earthquake was the fifth most powerful to hit the world in the past century. It surpassed the Great Kanto quake of September 1, 1923, which had a magnitude of 7.9 and killed more than 140,000 people in the Tokyo area.
Yang menyalak itu Anjing
Kebodohan menjadikan mereka seperti anjing. mereka menghina urusan mahkamah dengan mengumpul anjing-anjing untuk menyalak dan meminta DNA DSAI. Anjing sahaja yang begitu. berani menyalak dihadapan TV.
Sesuan dengan penjelasan MB Kedah. Nak tau tanya di DUN. Sebab kerajaan kedah bertanggung kepada Sultan Kedah dan DUN Kedah. Bukan kepada anjing yang menyalak depan TV.
MB Kedah sahut cabaran Mukhriz

“Tak perlu nak senaraikan kepada mereka (wakil rakyat BN) kerana kita sebelum ini sudah senaraikan kejayaan yang dibuat kerajaan...Saya akan jawab kalau mereka tanya,” katanya ketika ditemui pemberita selepas melakukan lawatan kerja ke Ladang Nanas milik Kedah Agro Holding Berhad di Laka Temin di sini hari ini.
Azizan mengulas desakan pemimpin BN yang mahu beliau menyenaraikan dan mengemukakan bukti mengenai kejayaan menifesto pada PRU yang lalu.
Beliau berkata kejayaan itu tidak perlu disenaraikan semula memandangkan kerajaan negeri sebelum ini telah menyenaraikan kejayaan itu dalam akhbar rasmi (Warta Darul Aman).
“Mereka cakap nak tengok ekonomi, mai tegoklah sendiri, kalau nak bukti pi tengok dekat Audit Negara, kita dapat RM53 juta tahun ni hasil balak,” katanya.
Timbalan Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Umno Kedah, Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir berkata kerajaan negeri perlu mengemukakan bukti yang sahih kepada rakyat mengenai kejayaannya menyelesaikan serta melaksanakan 80 peratus janji-janji dalam manifesto pilihan raya umum (PRU) ke-12.
Mukhriz berkata kenyataan yang dikeluarkan kerajaan PAS itu tidak berasaskan kepada fakta yang lengkap dan membuatkan rakyat keliru mengenai kejayaan yang telah dilaksanakan.
“Kita mahu kerajaan PAS mengambil peluang mengemukakan bukti yang benar dalam sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri April depan bagi menjelaskan secara terperinci kepada rakyat secara keseluruhan apa yang mereka maksudkan kejayaan 80 peratus itu.
“Ia tidak cukup dengan sekadar cakap-cakap sahaja kerana rakyat jauh lebih bijak,” katanya kepada pemberita ketika diminta mengulas kenyataan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penerangan dan Pembangunan Usahawan Negeri, Abdul Ghani Ahmad.
Dalam kenyataan baru-baru ini, Abdul Ghani berkata sehingga Julai tahun lepas, sebanyak 80.7 peratus daripada manifesto yang mempunyai 57 perkara yang disenaraikan dalam manifesto PRU12 berjaya mencapai matlamatnya.
Daripada 57 perkara tersebut, beliau berkata 46 daripadanya telah dilaksanakan dan 11 perkara lagi atau 19.3 peratus masih dalam peringkat kajian merangkumi bidang pentadbiran, pertanian, pembangunan Insan, hal ehwal Islam, hal ehwal wanita, sukan dan rekreasi serta pihak berkuasa tempatan.
Mukhriz yang juga Timbalan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri berkata rakyat negeri ini tidak nampak sebarang perubahan selepas Kedah diambil alih oleh PAS sejak 2008.
Ahad, 13 Mac 2011
Ku Li calls Dr M a ‘political liar’

By Leslie Lau
Executive Editor
KUALA LUMPUR, March 11 — Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said tonight that as Allah was his witness, he had never engaged in vote buying as alleged by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in the latter’s autobiography out earlier this week.
The veteran Umno leader also accused his old foe Dr Mahathir of engaging in “political lying” in his recollection of what transpired during the contentious 1987 party polls.
“I never steal. I never cheat,” he said in Ipoh tonight when launching an unrelated book.
“Again, I am accused of bringing the party to court. I am also alleged to be involved in money politics during the 1987 party contest. I do not have that sort of money. I have no cronies. In fact, I am against money politics. As Allah is my witness, I have not done all those things. Yet I have always been returned every time I stood in Gua Musang.”
Dr Mahathir had written in his book that Tengku Razaleigh would have become prime minister if he was more patient.
The former prime minister also accused the Team B faction led by the Kelantan prince of a dirty campaign to unseat him as president in the fractious Umno elections of 1987, resulting in the High Court declaring Umno illegal.
“Had Tengku Razaleigh been more patient, he would probably have taken Tun Musa (Hitam)’s place as deputy prime minister and eventually become prime minister,” Dr Mahathir wrote in his book titled “A Doctor in the House: The Memoirs of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad”.
Malaysia’s longest-serving prime minister claimed in the book that Tengku Razaleigh’s Team B had resorted to money politics in the campaign.
“We also heard that Team B spent about RM20 million on their campaign, with most of the money provided by Tengku Razaleigh himself,” he wrote.
“Voting had to be halted halfway for members to attend Friday congregational prayers, but Team B supporters used the interval to campaign. They were seen following targeted delegates to their hotels, even into the toilet, and I was told that a lot of money changed hands,” he said of the party polls that took place on April 24, 1987.
“They also circulated a photograph of me with a Chinese lady who they alleged was my Singaporean wife. In fact, she was the wife of an old university classmate, and the picture had been taken at their daughter’s wedding,” he added.
Responding tonight, Tengku Razaleigh also mocked Dr Mahathir’s book, calling it comedic.
“Political lying comes through the media and sometimes by writing so-called books of memoirs. One book was recently launched under a pseudo title called ‘Doctor in The House’.
“I say ‘pseudo’ because it is a copycat title of a famous British comedy film of the 1950s based on a novel by Richard Gordon. Perhaps it was deliberate, as it does reflect some comedianship, apart from political lying. The ‘Doctor in The House’ makes allegations against me which are not new,” said Tengku Razaleigh.
In the aftermath of the 1987 Umno elections, Tengku Razaleigh was not willing to accept defeat and challenged the results in court on the grounds that 53 Umno branches were not properly registered.
High Court judge Tan Sri Harun Hashim eventually dismissed the suit but ruled that the existence of unregistered branches meant that Umno itself was an illegal party.
In 1988, Dr Mahathir registered a new party, Umno Baru, that exists up to now, although it is now simply known as Umno.
Jumaat, 11 Mac 2011
Sodomy II: Cop says took Najib, Rosmah’s statements

KUALA LUMPUR, Mar 11 — Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s and his wife’s statements were recorded by a policeman investigating Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s second sodomy case, the High Court here heard today.
Investigating officer (IO) Jude Pereira said Mohd Saiful Bukhari, who is accusing Anwar of sodomising him on June 26 2008, had met the prime minister two days before the alleged sodomy.
“He (Jude) got the statement... from both of them,” Solicitor-General II Datuk Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden confirmed with reporters after the hearing today.
Yusof was referring to Najib and his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor.
Jude said he had recorded Rosmah’s statement on July 17, 2008, but did not specify when he recorded Najib’s statement.
“He (Saiful) met Najib before the 26th on the 24th (June, 2008) to complain about a few incidents before that,” said Jude today without explaining what those incidents were.
Jude also did not specify the contents of the statements he had taken from Najib and Rosmah.
“What happened between 26th and 28th (June)?” asked Anwar’s lawyer Karpal Singh.
“He (Saiful) met a few (people)... complained to Rahimi (Osman), Ezam (Mohd Noor),” said Jude, referring to former PKR members.
Saiful testified last May that he had met Ezam, a former PKR Youth chief; Rahimi, Anwar’s former aide; and his uncle Tuah Mohd Halim on June 27 2008, to complain about the alleged sodomy.
Karpal also asked today whether Saiful had met Rosmah and Datuk Mumtaz Jaafar, a former national track star said to be close to Rosmah.
“Mumtaz got, right? Rosmah?” asked Karpal.
“Not very sure,” said Jude.
“Najib Tun Razak?” asked Karpal.
“No. After the incident, nothing,” said Jude.
“You took a statement from Datin Rosmah?” asked Karpal.
“Yes,” said Jude.
Rahimi claimed last October that he was forced to implicate Najib and Rosmah in Anwar’s ongoing sodomy trial.
Anwar’s former aide had said he was forced to sign two statutory declarations back on June 28, 2008 which accused Najib and Rosmah of masterminding a conspiracy against Anwar.
According to Rahimi’s police report, he claimed that he was forced to sign two statutory declarations by then PKR information chief Latheefa Koya as well as party members at Quality Hotel back in June 2008.
Latheefa currently heads the party’s legal bureau.
Saiful had complained that Anwar had sodomised him at a luxury condominium in affluent Bukit Damansara here on June 26, 2008.
Saiful, now aged 25, has never named anyone else.
Anwar, the 63-year-old PKR de facto leader, is currently facing sodomy charges for the second time in his life.
He has denied the charge, describing it as “evil, frivolous lies by those in power” when the charge was read out to him.
He is charged under section 377B of the Penal Code and can be sentenced to a maximum of 20 years’ jail and whipping upon conviction.
The trial is taking place 18 months after Anwar was charged in court in August 2008.
He was charged with sodomy and corruption in 1998 after he was sacked from the Cabinet and was later convicted and jailed for both offences.
He was freed in September 2004 and later resurrected his political career by winning back his Permatang Pauh parliamentary seat in a by-election in 2008, which had been held in the interim by his wife.
He led the loose pact of PKR, DAP and PAS to a historic sweep of five states and 82 parliamentary seats in Election 2008.
Akal Manusia jauh berbeza dengan akal haiwan
Bukan Mahkamah sahaja yang mentafsir undang-undang?
Semalam pasal nak renewed roadtax kena beli insurance/takaful. bagi kereta yang usia lebih dari 25 tahun charged insuran atau takaful terlalu tinggi. Dah sampai keparlimen. Nampaknya semuanya membebankan rakyat.
Peraturan yang berbeza
Di SPRM- Malam pun disoal siasat sehingga TBH terkorban.
Di PDRM- Sampai 6.00petang DSAI terpaksa masuk lokup.
Khamis, 10 Mac 2011
Seluar dalam di rumah teman wanita?
Tak mandi beberapa hari
tak berak
Malas nak kata tak sembahyang?
Lepas tu tonyoh dahi supaya jadi hitam.
Celakalah dia dunia akhirat.
Celakalah perancangnya
celakalah yang berusaha membenarkannya.
Banjir selepas PRK
Selepas PRK Kerdau di Pahang juga banjir iaitu di kawasan felda.
Itu semua kebetulan sahaja.
Tetapi yang paling pasti selepas PRK Merlimau dan Kerdau harga getah turun merudum. Mewahnya pengundi di Tenang, Merlimau dan Kerdau semasa kempen dan derita semua penoreh getah seluruh negara akibat harga jatuh. Bukan orang pembangkang sahaja yang menderita.
Rabu, 9 Mac 2011
Harussani yang mengharu-biru
Harakahdaily |
KUALA LUMPUR, 9 Mac: Mufti Perak Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria enggan membuat penjelasan kepada Mursyidul Am PAS, Tuan Guru Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat berhubung tulisan responsnya menyentuh isu 'undi PAS masuk syurga', Ahad lalu. Menurutnya, tindakan itu tidak perlu kerana beralasan bahawa Menteri Besar Kelantan itu akan tetap dengan sikapnya menggunakan hukum agama dalam politik yang boleh mengelirukan umat Islam. “Saya tak perlu untuk buat penjelasan terhadap beliau (Nik Aziz), kalau saya jelaskan nanti sama juga apa yang akan beliau katakan. “Saya tegaskan masalah Nik Aziz kerana mengaitkan hukum agama dalam politik, saya tahu dalam Islam politik dan agama memang tak boleh lari tapi masalahnya apabila ada pemimpin yang gunakan hukum Islam untuk raih undi,” katanya seperti lapor The Malaysian Insider. Tuan Guru Nik Aziz semalam telah menghantar surat rasmi memohon penjelasan Harussani ekoran kenyataan “undi PAS masuk syurga”. Mengulas isu itu, Adun Titi Serong, Drs. Khalil Idham Lim menyifatkan jawapan mufti itu sebagai bercelaru. Beliau yang juga antara yang 'berperang' kenyataan dengan Harussani dalam isu ancak membabitkan Menteri Besar Perak berkata, mufti itu juga cuba menunjukkan belangnya. "Harussani semakin bercelaru dan menampakkan belangnya yang sebenar bila menolak mentah-mentah hasrat Tuan Guru Nik Aziz bertemu dengannya," katanya. Manakala pengendali Facebook Tuan Guru Nik Aziz pula dalam posting terbaru di laman itu melahirkan kekesalan dengan jawapan mufti itu. "Adakah begini caranya seorang Mufti menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan kepadanya? Relevankah?" tulisnya. Bagaimanapun, Harussani tidak menolak bertemu sesiapa termasuk Tuan Guru Nik Aziz yang mahu bertemu dengannya. Katanya, untuk pertemuan itu juga tidak perlu kepada orang tengah yang mengaturkannya. |
Dulu dia kata percuma?????
Kerajaan tanggung kos lawatan Rosmah RM134,000
Nazri Abdullah |
KUALA LUMPUR, 9 Mac: Kos keseluruhan lawatan rasmi isteri Perdana Menteri, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor ke Arab Saudi, Oman dan Bangladesh ditanggung kerajaan berjumlah RM134,317.76. Perkara itu dimaklumkan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz dalam jawapan bertulisnya terhadap soalan sama Ahli Parlimen Rasah, Loke Siew Fook dan Ahli Parlimen Jerai, Mohd Firdaus Jaafar di parlimen hari ini. Bagaimanapun,soalan Firdaus sama ada kos itu tersenarai dalam bajet 2011, tidak dinyatakan jawapan. Dalam penjelasan itu, Nazri berkata rombongan yang diketuai Rosmah itu turut disertai Menteri Wanita, isteri-isteri menteri, menteri besar-menteri besar, ketua menteri serta beberapa pegawai kerajaan. Rombongan ke bandar Riyadh, Muscat dan Dhaka itu juga mendapat kelulusan Jemaah Menteri. Isu lawatan Rosmah sebelum ini menjadi pertikaian banyak pihak ekoran didakwa melangkaui bidang kuasa menteri berkaitan yang hanya menjadi peserta rombongan. Turut dipertikaikan, duit rakyat yang digunakan untuk menanggung kos lawatan tersebut di saat rakyat berdepan pelbagai tekanan ekonomi. Nazri memberitahu, di Riyadh, Rosmah dijemput menyampaikan ucaptama di Seminar Antarabangsa Pertama, mengenai Pengurusan Kualiti Pendidikan K-12, atas jemputan Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran Arab Saudi. Di Muscat pula, Rosmah diundang daripada Menteri Pembangunan Sosial Oman manakala di Dhaka, isteri perdana menteri itu diundang Madam Cherie Blair, Penaung Asian University for Women dan menyampaikan ucaptama di Simposium Memikirkan Masa Hadapan Asia. Berhubung isu jabatan First Lady of Malaysia (Flom) yang sebelum ini dimuatkan dalam web Pejabat Perdana Menteri pula, Nazri berkata ianya dibuang kerana menimbulkan kekeliruan. Jabatan itu kini kata Nazri sedang dalam proses penyelenggaraan. |
Lidah Mahathir yang menipu
Tapi semalam,
KUALA LUMPUR, March 8 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has admitted in his autobiography out today that he has Indian blood but maintained that he is still Malay “and proud of it”.
“I admit that some Indian, or more accurately South Asian, blood flows in my veins, but from which part of the Indian subcontinent my ancestors came I do not know,” he wrote in the book titled “A Doctor in the House: The Memoirs of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad”.
“I am a Malay and am proud of it. I am a Malay not just on paper. I am also a Malay in sentiment and in spirit,” the former prime minister said in the 809-page tome which finally came out nearly eight years after his retirement.
“Some claim that my father was Malayalee and was fluent in both Tamil and Malayalam. Some have even written that he was a Hindu who converted to Islam to marry my mother. Others say they have seen documents clearly stating my ethnicity,” he wrote in the book.
“Nearly every Malay in Malaysia has some non-Malay blood. But that fact doesn’t make them any less Malay,” he said.
Dr Mahathir noted that Malays in the past did not keep track of their lineage, although most of those with Arab blood can trace their roots to Yemen and know which family they belong to.
The country’s longest-serving prime minister also said being Malay was no longer a question of descent but a legal construct.
“One is a Malay if one satisfies certain legal conditions. Constitutionally, a Malay is defined as a person who habitually speaks Malay, practises Malay customs and is a Muslim,” he wrote.
Dr Mahathir said any individual who met these conditions is a Malay and would be entitled to “certain rights that go with this legal personality”.
Malays and the native tribes of Malaysia, collectively known as Bumiputeras, have a special position under the constitution.
The provision is used by some lobby groups to justify race-based policies such as the New Economic Policy that prescribes affirmative action for Bumiputeras.
Dr Mahathir has in recent years stepped up his defence of the constitutional position of the Malays, and has been criticised for lending credibility to right-wing groups like Perkasa.
His strident tone has resulted in accusations that he was playing the race card in an attempt to shore up support for Umno.
Dr Mahathir, who ruled from 1981 to 2003, also dismissed last week claims that the Malays are immigrants just like the Chinese and Indians, arguing instead that Arabs, Indians and Indonesians had become constitutional Malays through assimilation.
He said in his book that as prime minister, every time he “made a mistake or an unpopular decision, people were ready with their ‘dim-witted Malay’ slurs”.
“But when I made good decisions, those that brought progress and prosperity to the nation, it was always because I had Indian blood,” Dr Mahathir said